How to Fix Knee Pain From Basketball?

Basketball is a fantastic sport that reduces stress, helps to build teamwork, and improves cardiovascular fitness. However, its constant running, jumping, and cutting does not come without the risk of injury. One common area that is affected during basketball is the knee. Knee pain can be caused by various reasons ranging from wear and tear, muscle strains, overuse, or blunt force. It can be debilitating and interfere with your ability to enjoy playing basketball. Fortunately, some measures can be taken to reduce the pain and treat underlying issues.

knee pain compression

With its jumps, sudden stops, twists, and turns, basketball can put your knees under tremendous stress, potentially leading to various injuries. One of the most common basketball-related injuries is Patellar Tendinitis, or “Jumper’s Knee.” This condition often manifests as pain in the front of the knee, just below the kneecap (patella). This is due to inflammation or injury to the patellar tendon, which connects your kneecap to your shinbone.

If you’re experiencing knee pain from basketball, it’s crucial to understand what causes it and how you can manage it effectively. While severe cases might require medical intervention, there are a range of treatments that you can perform at home to reduce pain and inflammation, increase mobility, and prevent future injury.

Understanding Jumper’s Knee

Before we delve into treatment strategies, it’s essential to understand what causes Jumper’s Knee. The primary culprit is a repetitive strain on the patellar tendon, typically caused by the frequent jumping involved in basketball. As a result, the tendon becomes inflamed or degenerates, leading to pain and functional impairment.

The first sign of Jumper’s Knee is usually a gradual onset of pain in the front of the knee, just below the kneecap. This pain often worsens with jumping, running, or walking downstairs. The pain may be constant in more severe cases, even during rest. Swelling in the knee region is also a common symptom.

How to Fix Knee Pain From Basketball?

To fix knee pain from a basketball jumper’s knee issue, you must rest for 3-21 days, depending on the pain degree. Additionally, you need to use ice, compression, and elevation to reduce the pain. In the next step, you need to do a knee workout after rehabilitation because knee-strengthening exercises will strengthen the muscles around the knee and prevent knee pain.

Here we’ll explore the most effective strategies for overcoming knee pain caused by Jumper’s Knee, which includes a blend of rest, application of the R.I.C.E. principle (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation), followed by a targeted knee-strengthening exercise regime.

One of the first and most vital steps in the recovery process is rest. The length of the rest period is contingent on the severity of the knee pain. Minor cases of Jumper’s Knee might only require a short rest period of around three days. However, in more severe cases where the pain is quite significant, resting for up to 21 days might be necessary.

This rest period doesn’t necessarily mean complete inactivity but rather a break from high-impact activities such as basketball that put substantial stress on the knees. Low-impact exercises like cycling or swimming are ideal during this rest period, as they maintain your fitness levels while allowing your knees to recover.

Applying the R.I.C.E. Principle

The R.I.C.E. principle is commonly recommended for treating soft tissue injuries like Jumper’s Knee. This includes:

  1. Rest: As mentioned earlier, reducing or eliminating activities aggravate the knee is crucial.
  2. Ice: Ice application helps minimize inflammation and reduce pain. Apply a wrapped ice pack to the affected knee for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours for effective treatment. Remember to wrap the ice pack in a towel or cloth to avoid direct contact with the skin, which can cause cold burns.
  3. Compression: A compression bandage or knee support can aid in reducing swelling and providing support to the injured area. It is essential, however, to ensure the compression is not too tight, as it can impede blood circulation.
  4. Elevation: Elevating the knee helps decrease swelling and promotes the return of blood back to the heart. You can use pillows to prop up the affected leg when lying down or sitting.

Knee-Strengthening Exercises Post-Rehabilitation

After your knee has had ample time to rest and recover and the pain has significantly subsided, it’s time to move on to the rehabilitation phase. This typically involves a targeted exercise regimen to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee. These exercises help reduce the load on the patellar tendon and prevent future knee pain.

A physiotherapist or a qualified trainer can provide you with a tailored exercise plan based on your needs. This typically includes exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and leg presses, designed to strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings. It’s crucial to perform these exercises correctly and regularly to gradually build strength and stability in your knee without causing further damage.

Rehabilitation and Preventive Measures

Once your pain subsides, you should consider physical therapy and strengthening exercises to rehabilitate the knee and prevent future injuries.

  1. Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can devise a personalized program that gradually reintroduces activity to the knee without causing further injury. This may include stretching and strengthening exercises focused on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles supporting the knee.
  2. Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening the muscles that support your knee can help reduce stress on the patellar tendon. Squats, lunges, and leg presses are examples of exercises that can help strengthen your quads and hamstrings.
  3. Proper Form and Technique: Improving your basketball technique can reduce strain on the knee. Jumping and landing softly with your knees slightly bent can help distribute impact evenly and protect the patellar tendon.


Remember, basketball is a demanding sport that requires physical fitness and strength. By caring for your body and playing smart, you can prevent injuries and continue enjoying the game.

The first step in managing knee pain is getting an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional. This is important because the treatment plan will depend on the cause of the pain. Based on the diagnosis, various options can be explored to control and prevent the pain from reoccurring.

One of the simplest ways to treat knee pain is self-care. This can include rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Take a break from playing basketball to allow the knee to rest and recover. Ice the affected area several times daily for 20-30 minutes to reduce pain and inflammation. Use a compression bandage to help reduce swelling and support the knee. Elevate the knee above heart level to reduce swelling.

Strengthening exercises can also be beneficial in reducing knee pain. Exercises that target the legs, including the calf, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, can help support the knee and improve flexibility. Strengthening the muscles around the joint can also help reduce strain on the knee. However, it is essential to ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly to avoid causing further damage to the knee.

In some cases, braces or knee sleeves can provide extra support to the knee. Braces can help reduce pressure on the knee and provide stability during physical activity. Knee sleeves can help reduce swelling and provide warmth to the knee.

If the pain persists, your healthcare provider may suggest nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help reduce pain and inflammation. Physical therapy may also be recommended to help strengthen the knee and promote healing.

The Knee Workout

This routine comprises five exercises to alleviate knee pain and enhance lower body mobility. It’s particularly recommended for players with a history of knee tendonitis to engage in this routine daily. Ideally, the workout should be completed shortly before starting practice to ensure the muscles surrounding the knees are warmed up and prepared for the game’s physical demands.

knee pain excercize

  1. Backward Walk on Incline Treadmill: The inaugural exercise in our routine, the Backwards Walk on an Incline Treadmill, is designed to fortify the muscles at the front of your legs, specifically the quadriceps, that provide essential support to the knee joint. Additionally, this exercise improves the flexibility of your hip flexors and helps alleviate soreness from intense workouts.
  2. Reverse Sled Drag: The Reverse Sled Drag primarily targets the glutes and hamstrings, muscles crucial for knee joint support and protection. Strengthening these muscles can be an effective preventive measure against the development of knee pain.
  3. Knee Band Press Outs: This exercise focuses on building strong and stable knees, concentrating on the muscles supporting the knee joint, particularly on the lateral side, which is generally more susceptible to injury.
  4. Small R.O.M. (Range Of Motion) Leg Press: Despite being less intense than other exercises in this routine, the Small R.O.M. Leg Press significantly strengthens the knees by honing the muscles that provide knee support.
  5. Eccentric Leg Extension: Instead of focusing on muscle flexion, this exercise emphasizes controlled muscle lengthening, aiding in faster recovery for those already experiencing knee pain while also helping prevent future injuries.

The Importance of Prevention and Recovery

In sports, it is crucial to realize that prevention is critical regarding injuries. Consequently, proactive training to strengthen the muscles around your knees before injuries occur is vital. This knee pain workout routine serves as a strategy to build up the muscles crucial for knee stability and mobility, thereby reducing the likelihood of knee pain onset.

Proper recovery methods must be maintained alongside these preventive measures, especially during the season. This balance can be challenging for athletes expected to play for extended periods. Recovery protocols should include sufficient rest, adequate hydration, healthy dietary choices, and muscle activation and maintenance exercises.

Coupling these strategies with our proposed knee pain workout routine can help keep basketball players’ knees robust, healthy, and prepared for every game. Remember, the key to longevity in any sport is skill, talent, and the ability to stay healthy and injury-free.


While the primary treatment for Jumper’s Knee – rest, ice, compression, and elevation – is straightforward, it’s essential to address the root cause of the problem to prevent it from recurring. This involves rest, correct training techniques, and building strength in the muscles supporting the knee.

However, if your knee pain persists despite these measures, seeking professional medical advice is important. Severe cases of Jumper’s Knee may require further treatment options such as corticosteroid injections, platelet-rich plasma injections, or in some cases, surgery.

In conclusion, knee pain is a common problem for basketball players. While it can be distressing, it can be managed with the right treatment plan. Self-care, strengthening exercises, and the use of braces or knee sleeves can all help in reducing knee pain. However, seeking medical attention and getting an accurate diagnosis is essential to determine the appropriate treatment plan. Following these suggestions, basketball players can maintain an active and pain-free lifestyle.

Igor Bumeral

Igor Bumeral

My name is Igor. I like sports statistics, rules, and strategies. On this website, I will try to cover basic sports game rules. Additionally, I want to present the best athletes from US and Europe.

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