55 Pound Barbell – 55 Pound Bench Press Bar

Regarding weightlifting, the type of barbell you use can make all the difference. Barbells come in all shapes, sizes, and weights; choosing the right one is essential for your needs. 45lbs and 55lbs barbells are two of the most common weights in strength training, but how can you tell them apart? In this article, we’ll examine the CAP Barbell The Beast as an example of a 55lbs barbell and provide some key differences to help you differentiate between standard 45-lb barbells and 55-lb barbells.

First and foremost, the weight of the barbell is the most apparent difference between the two. Standard barbells usually weigh around 45 lbs, while heavier barbells like The Beast weigh 55 lbs. This weight difference is due to the size and thickness of the bar. The Beast is longer and thicker than a standard 45lbs barbell, making it more suitable for bigger lifters who can handle the added weight.

55 Pound Bench Press Bar Features

A 55 Pound Bench Press Bar can be a beneficial addition to your weightlifting equipment, offering an increased challenge and more opportunities for strength gains. Let’s explore some key features of a typical 55-pound bench press bar:

  1. Weight: As the name implies, a 55 Pound Bench Press Bar weighs 55 pounds, compared to the standard barbell, which typically weighs 45 pounds. This extra weight can provide a more significant challenge and stimulate muscle growth.
  2. Material: These bars are typically made from high-quality, heavy-duty materials, such as alloy or high-carbon steel, which are robust enough to handle high amounts of weight.
  3. Length: 55 Pound Bench Press Bars are generally longer than standard barbells. The length could range between 86 to 92 inches. The increased length allows for weights to be loaded on either side.
  4. Diameter: The diameter of these bars is usually more extensive, often around 30 mm, compared to the standard 28-29mm. This can provide a more substantial grip and may make the bar feel more stable in your hands.
  5. Knurling: Many 55 Pound Bench Press Bars have aggressive knurling to ensure a secure grip, which is critical for safety and performance. The knurling pattern can vary but is usually medium or deep to accommodate the heavier weight.
  6. Weight Capacity: Given the heavier weight of the bar, it’s also designed to handle a more significant weight capacity, sometimes well over a thousand pounds.
  7. Sleeves: The barbell sleeves where weights are loaded are typically precision engineered to allow a smooth rotation. This helps in reducing pressure on the wrists during heavy lifting.
  8. Finish: Like other barbells, these bars can come in various finishes, including black oxide, chrome, or zinc. These finishes can protect the bar from rust and corrosion, prolonging its lifespan.
  9. Center Knurling: Some bars also have center knurling, which can provide additional grip when the bar rests on your chest during bench presses.

The material used to make the barbell is also essential. The Beast is made from high-quality alloy steel, which gives it excellent durability and strength. The tensile strength of The Beast is 110,000, which means it can handle heavy weight. However, it is essential to note that while The Beast can handle heavier loads, it may be more suited for beginners and intermediate lifters, as it tends to bend under heavy loads.

The diameter of the bar is another way to differentiate between standard 45lbs and 55lbs barbells. The Beast has a diameter of 28.5mm thicker than most standard 45-lb barbells. This added thickness provides more stability to your grip, making it easier to control the bar.

Regarding knurling, The Beast has a medium-depth diamond knurling pattern. This pattern is suitable for bench pressing, providing a firm and sturdy grip. The knurling marks are dual and aggressive, so it may take some time to get used to, but once you do, you’ll have a more secure grip on the bar. However, it is worth noting that the bar does not have a center knurling, which may make it less versatile for squats.

The sleeves of The Beast are grooved, which helps to prevent the weight from sliding back and forth. This makes it easier to control the bar and provides added stability during lift movements.

Finally, The Beast has a black phosphate finish to prevent corrosion and rust, which can be a common problem with barbells that are not adequately managed.

The key differences between standard 45-lb barbells and 55-lb barbells like The Beast are the weight, size, diameter, material, knurling pattern, and finish. The Beast is an excellent option if you’re looking for a heavier and more durable barbell. However, it may not be suitable for all lifters, especially those who prefer to have a center knurling. Choosing the suitable barbell depends on your needs and lifting goals.

Now I will present my favorite bench press:

CAP Barbell The Beast

CAP Barbell The Beast is a well-constructed, high-quality barbell that certainly lives up to its name. It’s constructed from robust alloy steel, and at 86 inches in length with a diameter of 28.5 mm, it’s a solid choice for those looking for a robust barbell to handle substantial weight. The weight limit of 1200 lbs is impressive, demonstrating its construction’s robustness and suitability for heavy weightlifting.

CAP Barbell The Beast

Despite its strength, one thing to note is that it tends to bend under hefty loads, making it more suitable for beginner to intermediate lifters. Nonetheless, it maintains a high tensile strength of 110,000, promising durability and longevity.

The Beast is fitted with a medium-depth diamond knurling. This knurling pattern is aggressive, providing a firm and sturdy grip. It might take some time to get used to, but it offers excellent stability once you do. The dual knurl marks further enhance the grip. However, it’s worth noting that it lacks center knurling. This absence may limit its versatility somewhat, especially for exercises like squats that require extra grip in the center.

The spin of the barbell is commendable, which is a significant plus when performing Olympic lifts, as it helps to reduce wrist strains and other potential injuries. The grooved sleeves are an excellent addition, preventing the weights from sliding back and forth, thus ensuring a stable lifting experience.

Lastly, the black phosphate finish on The Beast gives it a sleek, professional look while offering protection against corrosion and rust.

Overall, the Beast is a solid pick and provides good value for money. It’s steel quality and tensile strength are top-notch, and its medium-depth diamond knurling provides a firm grip. Although its versatility might be slightly compromised due to the absence of center knurling, its positives outweigh its negatives, making it a good option for most weightlifters.

Igor Bumeral

Igor Bumeral

My name is Igor. I like sports statistics, rules, and strategies. On this website, I will try to cover basic sports game rules. Additionally, I want to present the best athletes from US and Europe.

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